Title: Morning Protocol | Drabbles Pairing: Sooyoung/Hankyung, Tiffany/Yunho Genre: Fluff, Romance, Comedy Rating: PG A/N: I do not own the people, just the overall plot. ;]
title: past times author: the-babysky genre: crack, humor, smut pairing: changmin/sooyoung summary: changmin always gets what he wants a/n: so this is the failed smut sequel/prequel of freakshow this is my first time writing smut, and i don't even know if this is considere smut but im still going to tag this as smut. lol i hope i didn't disappoint!
title: freakshow author: the-babysky pairing: changmin/sooyoung summary: sooyoung just wants to watch yoona's drama while changmin fantasizes about acrobat sex a/n: bamthegreat brought me here. so no author tag yet :( lol thanks bb <3
Bromicide sungmin/sooyoung/eunhyuk fiahplay, pg, romance, humour, 3265 words In a battle for one woman's heart, it's about being the last bro standing (or Sungmin and Hyukjae's heterosexual adventures in gambling).
Title: His Ex-Wife's Ghost (Epilogue) Pairing: Sooyoung/Hankyung, Yuri/Hankyung Genre: AU, Romance, Comedy & a little Angst. Rating: PG A/N: I do not own the people, just the overall plot. ;]
Title: His Ex-Wife's Ghost (Chapter 6) Pairing: Sooyoung/Hankyung, Yuri/Hankyung Genre: AU, Romance, Comedy & a little Angst. Rating: PG A/N: I do not own the people, just the overall plot. ;]
Title: His Ex-Wife's Ghost (Chapter 5) Pairing: Sooyoung/Hankyung, Yuri/Hankyung Genre: AU, Romance, Comedy & a little Angst. Rating: PG A/N: I do not own the people, just the overall plot. ;]
Title: Oppa Has Fallen Pairing: broken!Sooyoung/Donghae, broken!Jessica/Donghae, broken!Yuri/Donghae, broken!Yoona/Donghae, friendship!EunHae Genre: AU, Comedy Rating: PG A/N: I do not own the people, just the overall plot. ;] A funny little twist to EunHae's 'Oppa Has Risen'.